frequently asked questions

What are “soft skills”?

Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Examples of soft skills include people skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, and empathy, among others. Research has continuously revealed that a foundation of soft skills knowledge builds confidence, happiness and overall success.

Why are soft skills important?

Soft skills are important because they enable people to engage in meaningful and positive interactions with others. Since most endeavors require some form of teamwork, it’s important to possess soft skills to enhance human connection with oneself and others.

What is “edutainment”?

Edutainment is entertainment with an educational aspect included.

How to teach children soft skills?

Lead by example. For children, parents are role models - modeling the social interactions and behaviors that will best serve your children to build confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, and resilience.

Learn and practice the soft skills together. Children excel in encouraging play scenarios that are safe to learn, grow and practice together. Enacting a hypothetical scenario with many characters helps parents understand how children respond to various situations, their ability to understand other's perspectives, resolve conflicts, and negotiate. This also develops a creative mindset in children.  Face to face discussions without the screen time. Share stories, provide examples, and review lessons together face to face, to meaningfully build connection and create positive, lasting memories.

Encourage active listening. Sometimes, as parents, we tend to complicate things while arriving at a decision quickly. In some situations, dialoging with our children could be a gift, as children have a simple way of thinking and focus on the most crucial aspect.

Empowering children to be a part of the solution tends to lead to greater engagement and desired outcomes. By parents doing this it also helps children to feel confident, seen and heard, build empathy – and know that their perspective matters.  

Develop healthy habits. By parents and children working together and committing just a short duration of time each week for soft skills edutainment, it develops the habits of success and creates a sense of accountability, responsibility and ownership in the children and family. These habits can then translate to use in school and community settings as well.

Observe and stay in the present moment. It could be possible that children perform differently inside and outside the home. Therefore, observe how children interact with their friends, relatives, and community members. Observing any changes in behavior provides knowledge on what soft skills tools to further focus learning.



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